You will upgrade to Windows 10: Inside Microsoft’s strong-arm upgrade tactics - lindsayfatinvand
Windows 10's abyssal stash of carrots lured a show-breaking numbers pool of users to the operating system when it launched. But now that adoption's slowing down, Microsoft's breakage out the sticks in its quest to shift 1 billion users to Windows 10 by July 2022.
Microsoft wielded the latest nonplus on Jan 15, when information technology declared that buyers of Intel's new Skylake processors have to rising slope to Windows 10 in the next 18 months, or forgo near the most vituperative surety patches—and those will be available to Windows 7 and 8.1 users only if said patches don't "risk the reliability or compatibility" on not-Skylake systems. Future processors from Intel, AMD, and Qualcomm will only be officially pendant past Windows 10, not 7 or 8.
That's a bombshell, and the strike came without warning. Skylake processors have been available for months now, while Microsoft's long bear out for Windows has never been expressly tied to specific CPU platforms. Making sure new hardware works with venerable operating systems zero doubt consumes valuable clock and resources, and hardware and software system are intertwined now more than of all time before, but aggressively forcing users (including businesses) to upgrade to Windows 10 before the final stage of the operating system's initial stated support cycle ends is unprecedented in the Windows world.
This ISN't the introductory stick Microsoft has brandished in its Windows 10 promote. Nor will it be the last.
Get Windows 10 now or now
Evening if you aren't squirting a inexperient Skylake Personal computer, Microsoft's embraced malware-suchlike tactics to trick Windows 7 and 8 users into installing Windows 10. That sounds the likes of hyperbole, merely sadly, it ISN't.
The root of the problem lies in the "Get Windows 10" app (which I'll call in GWX from Hera along) which was pushed via Windows Updates to all Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 PCs. GWX in reality predates Windows 10 itself, as Microsoft used it to encourage early adopters to "preorder" the operating system to get first dibs in a staggered rollout. Merely as the months roll on and Windows 10's acceptation slows, Microsoft's turned to more annoying—and borderline deceitful—measures with GWX. What began as an innocuous invitation floating up from your system tray has evolved into a virtually-pregnant screen pop-fly prompting you to ascent.
Worsened, GWX recently began victimisation aggressive wording similar to the language malware authors employ to trick you into installing nastyware on your PC. When GWX pops sprouted, you're given two options: "Kick upstairs now," or "Start download, upgrade later."
On a Windows 8.1 Microcomputer. Mostly full screen pop-up book. No clear "No thanks" button, just download Windows 10 now or later.
— Brad Chacos (@BradChacos) December 11, 2022
There isn't any "No thanks, I don't want to download Windows 10" option to click. The only way to garbage Microsoft's offer is to get through the X in the top-right-minded corner of the (unprompted!) pop-up to shut in information technology. And some people aren't even seeing the "Upgrade later" option.
They've taken away my right to choose, @BradChacos. Getting a veridical "implore I don't alter it any promote" bad feeling.
— Hayden Dingman (@haydencd) December 15, 2022
This reeks of malware—simply it's not. And IT's exclusively going to accelerate later this year, when Microsoft pushes Windows 10 through as a Advisable update in Windows Update.
An offer you tin't refuse
Microsoft plans to push through the first Windows 10 installation as a Recommended update sometime in 2022. (UPDATE: The push began on February 1.) That means Windows 10 will automatically download itself onto any information processing system that has Windows Update configured to install Recommended updates by default—put differently, the consuming majority of consumer PCs in the wild. That's the default option setting for parvenu Windows installs, and the one that most tech experts (ourselves included) advocate that everyday people habit.
That's just as aggressive as restricting new processors to Windows 10—perhaps even more so. Users hollered last year when a snafu on Microsoft's gage stop caused some PCs to establis the Windows 10 upgrade mechanically. And that was after Microsoft slipped 6GB of initial Windows 10 installation files onto the PCs of Windows 7 and 8 users, forcing unity PCWorld reader to burn through most of her monthly data plan in mere days.
A Turn up Pro 3 running Windows 10
Fortunately, when Microsoft flips the switch and pushes Windows 10 through as a Recommended update, Windows 8.1 PCs won't automatically download updates over a metered connecter. But Windows 7 users will have to turn out semiautomatic downloads for all Suggested updates to avoid downloading multiple gigabytes' worth of OS. And unless you're sacred about manually installing critical updates, disabling Recommended updates will leave your computer open to some of the nastiest exploits floating around the web. Thanks, Microsoft.
The company says you'll glucinium able-bodied to opt out of the upgrade even after Windows 10's installed to your Personal computer, but smart money's betting the prompt will habit the aforesaid weasel language arsenic the GWX pop-up. Hey geeks: Face forward to receiving wild late-night telephone set calls from your friends and folk after they accidentally kick polish off the install process.
IT doesn't have to beryllium like this
Here's the thing: At that place's in reality a fortune to love in Windows 10! Information technology's our favorite version of Windows yet, shading the first of Windows 7 and 8 while simultaneously eradicating Windows 8's worst sins. And new features like virtual desktops, the Action Center for notifications, and DirectX 12 are sure to make even enthusiasts and gamers grinning from ear to auricle.
Not everybody wants to upgrade to Windows 10, though. Some people lament the demise of Windows Media Center. Others care about the operating system's deeper hooks into your personal information. Still more hate the idea of forced Windows Updates; and the fear of a free "operational system as a armed service" bombarding you with ads, upsells, and subscription services is a very rattling thing.
Microsoft has a lot equitation on Windows 10, and it makes sense that the company wants to spread it as far and near as realizable. Merely in an era where Macs are a lone bright spot in the PC industry, iOS sales overtook Windows sales for the first time of all time, and Linux-supported Steam Machines are mounting a serious terror to unitary of the PC's remaining bastions—gaming—Microsoft might want to stop shaking an iron fist at happy Windows 7 and 8 users. By abandoning bequest support for software and hardware and all but shoving the operative scheme go through peoples' throats, Microsoft runs the risk of angering its firm exploiter base, as well arsenic tossing Windows' punishing-earned reputation for consistency in the garbage.
And it just. Feels. Gross.
Editor program's note: This clause was at the start publicized on January 20, but was updated on February 2, 2022 when Windows 10 was pushed to Windows 7 and 8 PCs as a Suggested update.
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