How To Make Money Lei For Wedding
Leis are mostly given as a token of affection and love when a person completes a certain journey and sets on to embark a new one. Though in Hawaiian culture, leis are mostly made using flowers, however, according to the latest trend money, candy, leaf as well as beads are used in making lei. Take a look at the following tutorials to get a glimpse of the attractive money leis that can be made.
Money Lei DIY Pictures
1. How to Make a Money Lei
You can also write the name of the person whom you have made it and attach it to the ribbon for a personalized effect.
Money Lei
2. Easy Instructions to Make a Money Lei
The step by step instructions would help you to make stylish lei for your loved ones.
How to Make a Money Lei
3. Step by Step DIY to Make a Graduation Money Lei
A purple or pink ribbon can also be used for giving it an enticing look.
Graduation Money Lei
4. How to Make Graduation Leis with Money and Candy
Including candies in it would certainly be a sweet celebration for the one who has achieved a significant milestone of his/her life.
How to Make Candy and Money Leis for Graduation
If making it for your kiddo who is a football fanatic, then stickers of the same could be attached to the lei.
Baseball Theme Money Lei
5. Butterfly Money Lei Origami DIY
While making a lei for a girl who has graduated, the butterfly theme would be an apt one. You could attach a congratulatory message in the middle.
How to Make a Butterfly Money Lei
6. How to Make Purple Money Lei with Ribbon
If you do not want to keep the money lei as it is but give it a decorative look, then a ribbon lei would be a perfect one. You could either go for lighter colors like purple or pink or even bolder shades such as black and gold.
Ribbon Money Lei
How to Make Flat Money Leis
7. Tutorial to Make Money Leis with Flowers
Though making a lei with real flowers would be too much of a task you could retain the authenticity by attaching artificial ones.
Flower Money Lei
When you have learned to make a lei with money, you need to give it the right shape for a heart-shaped lei.
Heart Money Lei
8. Easy and Cool Ways to Make Money Lei with Beads
The flowers made with ribbons alongside the sparkling beads give the lei a spectacular effect.
If you want to make it for someone's birthday, you could give it a personal touch by writing the name of the person for whom you are making it.
Money Flower Lei with Beads
9. Tutorial to Make Money Lei with Colorful Flowers
How to Make Money Leis with School Colors
10. Instructions on How to Make a Bow Tie Money Lei
If you are adept in the art of origami, then this bow tie lei would be a cakewalk for you.
Bow Tie Money Lei Instructions
11. How to Make Money Lei for Wedding
You can choose the shades based on the theme color of the wedding.
Wedding Money Lei
12. DIY Money Leis
Money Lei DIY
13. Easy Instructions for Making a Money Lei Necklace
Big beads can be attached in between to add to the classy look of the necklace.
Instructions and Pictures of Money Lei Necklace
14. Simple and Easy Way of Making a Money Lei
The fiesta of colors would give it a colorful look.
How to Make a Simple Money Lei
15. Cool Way to Make a Leaf Money Lei for Boys
For an innovative look, you can design the money in the shape of a leaf.
How to Make Cool Leaf Money Leis For Boys
16. Money Lei Tutorial For Girls
You can alternate the arrangement of money lei with pink crepe paper especially if you are making it for a girl.
Money Lei for Girls
17. Interesting Ideas to Make a Money Lei
You could make a lei with money, flowers, and candy separately like the one shown in the tutorial.
Money Lei Idea
18. Making an Origami Money Lei
Making a Money Lei
19. How to Make Hawaiian-Styled Money Lei with Folded Notes
Hawaiian Money Lei
20. How to Make Hawaiian Lei with Money for Graduation
This one follows the perfect Hawaiian style though the flowers are artificial ones. If you do not desire to include too many dollars, then a style like this one could be followed.
Hawaiian Money Lei for Graduation
21. Easy DIY to Make a Kukui Nut Money Lei
Besides the kukui nut money lei, this tutorial also gives you an insight into how to make one with flowers. The crown made using dollars as shown here can also be made if you want to make the occasion of graduation of your nearest kin a grand one. Embellishing the crown with glitters and sparkles would enhance its beauty.
DIY Kukui Nut Money Lei
By taking a cue from the above tutorials, you can learn how to make a flower-shaped money lei after which you can join them in the design of a crown.
Crown Money Lei
22. How to Make a Money Headband for Graduation
If you want to make something unique instead of the necklace, then a headband would be a great idea. You could also follow the instructions here and make a money lei bracelet, though in this case, the size would be smaller.
Money Head Band Lei
23. How to Make a Rose Money Lei
After you have learned to make the roses from the tutorial shown here you can make the lei by taking a cue from the above instructions and make a pretty rose money lei.
Dollar Roses Money Lei
24. Kindergarten Money Lei Tutorial
If your little one has just graduated from his/her kindergarten class, then this money lei wrapped in their favorite chocolates would indeed be a welcome surprise. The pink wrapper can be replaced with blue ones if your toddler is a boy.
Kindergarten Money Lei
25. Homemade Money Lei Instructions
Homemade Money Lei
With so many unique instructions at hand, you could make a host of money leis for any special occasion like wedding, your kiddos graduation or your elder one's transition to high school.
How To Make Money Lei For Wedding
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