
How Does North Korea Make Their Money

How North korea economic work How the North korea get and use their money? (11 May 2017)


We wil


find background research about north korea economic and start finding how North korea economic work


Ta-Background information Korn-FInd where did the north korea get their money from

North korea background 11/5/2560-15/5/2560 -The Democratic People's Republic of Korea of the communist in Korea lead by Kim ii sung make Korea split and turn into North korea and South korea in 1950. -The Democratic People's Republic were known as unreformed, isolated and dictatorial command of economy. -The economic of north korea contain limited foreign investment. The three important trader are only China Russia and South korea. How North korea economic work 11/5/2560 -Divide into two main economic the people economic and the royal court economic. People economy -Typical socialist economic system -Have a Party and Cabinet to provide plan that tell what did people need to produce for the good and service -In return after the Party and the Cabinet receive the supply they return it to the people this mean the government provide their a food and daily essential -This method was founded by the founder of North korea Kim II Song Royal court economy -Start by leader Kim Jong IL because he want the money to use money himself -He took money from the people without asking the Party and Cabinet a permission. -This cause more than 60 percent of the entire nation turn into the Royal court economy



North korea economic: North korea Background information:


For today we now know the system of North korea economic and how the North korea began this kind of economic. We now have the basic it need to continue the work and next class we will start digging deeper into it economic and wrap up the rest of the background information.

How North korea economic work

How the North korea get and use their money? (15 May 2017)


We will

Keep finding background information, learn more about north korea economic and try to start finding how did the north korean use money for if we finish early.


Ta-Background info and what did north korea use money for Korn-North korea economic

Introduction Korea sustain a high level of military effort over 10 years Using money for maintenance of a high level of military to make it to be sustain North korea Economic -Almost all of the economic and property in North korea were control by the Government -They spent most of their money on Military -North korea economic got score of 4.9 and rank 180 of all every country (Lowest) it was consider a repressed economic. (Not a good economic)


North korea economic


Today we didn't work much because we have an review about another topic of Economic in the period but we still find the rest info of North korea economic and the rest of Background information

How North korea economic work

How Does North Korea Make Their Money


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