
Benefits Of Money Plant At Home

Dr. Singh leads a retired life after serving as agricultural researcher for 32 years. Writing about agriculture is his hobby.

The money plant.

The money plant.

Trees and plants provide shelter, food, pure air, and many other useful benefits to humans. Many indoor plants are believed to bring prosperity and good luck. These include basil, jasmine, lemon, sage, shami, lavender, roses, orchids, and rosemary. Researchers studied houseplants as a way to purify the air and observed that some volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are filtered out from the air by several indoor plants. (The studies that proved plants could filter indoor air were undertaken in space facilities by NASA and their collaborators.)

Besides other benefits, money plant (Scindapsus aureus, or Epipremnum aureum) is believed to bring prosperity and luck. Scindapsus aureus is the scientific name of the "money plant" grown in homes in Asia. Besides "money plant," other commonly used names for this plant are "pothos," "silver vine," "devil's ivy," and "Solomon Islands ivy."

This plant is native to Southeastern Asia and New Guinea. It belongs to the Araceae family, which contains more than 100 genera.

The plant is called a money plant because its leaves (round, flat, heart-shaped, dark green, and plump) resemble coins. It is a perennial and may be grown as either a trailer or a climber. Young plants bear three to four-inch-long heart-shaped leaves. This plant is grown mainly indoors.

Feng Shui, Vastu, and the Money Plant

Feng Shui principles regard money plant as one of the best plants to purify air polluted with synthetic chemicals from furniture and cleaning solutions. It energizes the home by filtering air and increasing oxygen inflow.

Feng Shui experts recommend keeping one plant near each computer, television, or Wi-Fi router. Placing a money plant in front of a sharp corner or angle reduces anxiety and stress. It also helps avoid arguments and sleep disorders.

After all, sentiments and moods play a great role in energizing people and encouraging them to work relentlessly to achieve goals.

Vastu experts say plants activate positive energy in our day-to-day lives. They recommend planting money plants inside the house as they bring good luck. They do not recommend growing them outside in the garden, however.

Vastu experts recommend planting money plants inside the house, because they bring good luck. They, however, do not recommend growing them outside in the garden. Since dry leaves make the plant less attractive, dried leaves should be plucked off from the wine to increase your luck. This advice comes from the experience of growing money plant as an indoor plant. Soilless plants should be grown inside the house, as growing it outside causes its growth to be stunted. The plant grows vigorously when it's planted in tilled soil with proper watering and nutrient application.

Other Beliefs About Money Plants

According to a popular belief, a money plant loses its power if it is grown from one's own cutting. Giving a money plant or its cuttings to others symbolizes giving your wealth to them.

House owners get more money or become richer if they propagate this plant using stolen branches or cuttings. According to another belief, the person whose house the cuttings were stolen from stands to lose his money. I don't wish to spread misconceptions or convey the wrong notion, but I have observed this to be true in a few cases. In one case, a homeowner's bike was stolen a few days after clippings of their money plant were stolen. However, nobody can say with full confidence whether the bicycle theft was the effect of the money plant theft or just a coincidence.

An item in the newspaper said that the economic condition of the members of a household was likely to deteriorate if downward-growing branches of money plant could be found in the house.

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Money Plant's Preferred Growing Conditions

Money plants require warmer temperatures (15o to 30o C). At a temperature lower than 10o C, the leaves will turn yellow and develop spots. It thrives best in medium to bright indirect sunlight (bright but filtered light); its growth is slowed in environments with low light. In too little or too much light, the leaves will become discolored.

It requires frequent watering from spring to autumn, but over-watering should be avoided in the winter. It grows well if the top layer of soil is dried out occasionally.

It can be propagated from stem cuttings. The best season for using cuttings is either summer or spring. It can be grown on moss sticks as a climber or allowed to trail down.

A special characteristic of money plant is that it can grow in a water-filled container without any soil. It can survive in a bottle filled with water alone for a reasonable time, if you simply keep changing or refilling the water. Although many plants can be grown hydroponically, money plants can survive on the naturally occurring minerals in plain water, without the addition of nutrients.

Money plants grown in soil-filled pots prosper if they are fertilized well with organic and inorganic fertilizers. Urea should be applied to the pot frequently, with occasional additions of phosphorus (in the form of single superphosphate or any other phosphate fertilizer) and potash (muriate of potash or any other suitable fertilizer).

Although money plants are hardy and easy to grow, one may opt for plastic or synthetic plants instead, as these will never dry and will always decorate your house.

Plants Similar to Money Plants

Pachira aquatica is also referred as "money tree." Hence, confusion exists in the nomenclature. Crassula ovatais is also known as jade plant, friendship tree, lucky plant, money plant, or money tree.

The leaves of the Scindapsus aureus are similar to Philodendron scandens, the sweetheart plant. Money plant leaves are, however, more colorful than those of the sweetheart plant.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author's knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

Questions & Answers

Question: What are the benefits of a money plant?

Answer: It is believed that having a plant in the house brings prosperity, happiness, and good luck.

Question: Which sides of the house are good for money plants?

Answer: It should be grown inside the house and not outside.

Question: Where should a money plant be placed?

Answer: Feng Shui experts recommend keeping one plant near each computer, television, or WiFi router.

Question: How can I attain the benefits and features of tulsi, money plant, and aloe vera?

Answer: Tulsi and aloe vera have many medicinal properties and thus possess several health benefits. Money plant allows the flow of positive energy, produces good vibes and believed to bring good luck and financial prosperity.

Question: Who is entitled to travell in premium trains while on tour?

Answer: Central Govt. employees drawing salary in pay level 12 and above are entitled to travel in premium trains.

Question: Does the money plant have any medicinal properties for treating human skin?

Answer: No, it does not provide any skin treatment.

Question: How can I get a money plant for planting in a home?

Answer: It's a general belief that planting a stolen plant or branch proves more beneficial for planting than a purchased plant. The gifted plant is equally good in terms of economic well being as a stolen one.

Question: Is it not quite ridiculous to correlate the financial conditions of a person with the growth of money plant?

Answer: No, as per Vaastu and Feng Shui consideration the presence of money plant produces positive vibes and allow entry to positive energy.

Question: If someone had stolen a branch of a money plant, what should the owner do to save his property?

Answer: Plant more money plants borrowing clippings from other people.

Question: Does planting a money plant indoor give bad dreams?

Answer: As per Feng Sui principles, keeping money plant inside helps avoid sleeping disorders. Hence, keeping plant inside brings good luck as per Vaastu experts too.

Question: My money plant's branches are growing downwards what is the solution?

Answer: Poles, chain-link fence, wire, trellises or arbors provide the support to Vine climbers. They support themselves by using either twining stems and aerial roots. PL. provide the support of trellis or wires so that they move upwards.

Question: Does the money plant produce oxygen?

Answer: Researchers studied houseplants as a way to purify the air and observed that some volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are filtered out from the air by several indoor plants.

Question: What is the expected disadvantage of a money plant?

Answer: No such disadvantage is noticed.

Question: What is a money plant?

Answer: The plant is called a money plant because its leaves (round, flat, heart-shaped, dark green, and plump) resemble coins. It is a perennial and may be grown as either a trailer or a climber. Young plants bear three to four-inch-long heart-shaped leaves.

Question: How long will a money plant last in water?

Answer: It may last very long if the water is frequently changed.

Question: I'm growing my money plant in the water containing jar but the leaves are coming in small. What should I add to the water of my money plant that will give it big leaves?

Answer: You should change water frequently and may also add a tiny amount of synthetic fertilizer.

Question: Is it advisable to serve food on money plant leaves?

Answer: Food may be served in money plant leaves.

Question: Can I steal my money plant back from my friend who stole it?

Answer: You may yourself decide.

Question: Where can I buy a money flower plant?

Answer: You may buy it online also from Flipcart or Amazon. However, it may be propagated vegetatively and clippings from other money plants may be used.

Question: Can we plant the money plant in the southeast direction of the kitchen?

Answer: It may be grown anywhere inside the house. However, it should not be planted very close to the kitchen as fumes may harm its leaves.

© 2009 C V Singh

C V Singh (author) from India on August 19, 2020:

Yes, gift from someone is good from wealth and prosperity perspective.

Rekha barik on August 17, 2020:

can i accept gift money plant from my friend ....

C V Singh (author) from India on July 21, 2020:

Pale and dry leaves brings misfortunes and dark green and healthy leaves bring happiness.

Anmol thapa on July 18, 2020:

What size of money plant leaves bring happiness or misfortunes in home??

Crusader on August 18, 2018:

Reducing tax liabilities is a major concern for pensioners in India and other concern is maintaining the cash flow. Article shared below provides few important tips.

Benefits Of Money Plant At Home


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